Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Dear Blogger,

Thank you for testing my patience with your dumb, inability to recognize my email change. Because of that I had to make myself an admin of my own blog, and then remove myself as an admin of my own blog. Thank you for showing my how long my patience lasts.



P.S. My patience lasts until some dumb website is unable to recognize my email change.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Dear Nicole,

Thanks for driving me to Michael's today to get stuff to finish my stuffed animal I was making.  It was appreciated.

Love, Celeste

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Dear Lauren,

Thanks for not being able to hang out today.  If you had come over I would have been far too entertained to do my homework or practice for my audition!  Thanks to you, I may now have a chance of getting into this play!

Love, Celeste

Monday, December 20, 2010

St. Andrew

Dear St. Andrew (The saint of lost and found)

Thanks for watching over my iPod for the past week.  It was well appreciated.

Love, Celeste

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Dear Eli,

Thanks for implying that anyone who doesn't eat pie is an inhuman monster.  (If you don't know what I'm talking about, read my post "Eli Kind of Wins" from my blog "Exde".)

Love, Celeste

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Dear Chase,

Thanks for saying Eli would never go out with me.  Even though it brought my spirits down at the time, now that I know that's not true my spirits are back up.  If you hadn't said he would never go out with me then my spirits wouldn't have dropped, and therefore they never would have risen again, because there would be nothing for them to rise from.  It took disappointment from you to yield excitement again.

Love, Celeste.


Dear Eli,

Thanks for spending almost an hour after rehearsal today talking to me.  It kinda rocked.

Love, Celeste